Tuesday, April 1, 2014

BEDA: Day 1

BEDA: Blog Every Day in April

I don't even know if BEDA is really a thing any more, but it is something that author Maureen Johnson created in April of 2009 (You can read her blog post here).

This year, whether or not BEDA is still a thing, I have decided to challenge myself to write a blog post everyday during the month of April. I am a busy college student who works 32 hours a week and spends most of her time in class, studying, and doing homework. I have chosen to challenge myself to write a post on this blog everyday this month because I want to prove to myself that I can take time out of each and every day to write- no matter how busy I am. And I want this to become a habit.

I have only given myself two rules that I must abide by throughout this challenge:

           1. I have to make a post every day during the month of April. This includes weekends. (Johnson's     rule as well)
           2. Posts must be published by midnight.

I haven't thought much about the content of these posts. I figure a lot of them will probably be chronologies and observations of my daily endeavors. I plan to take photographs to go along with posts when possible and I hope to write some creative posts as well. (I hesitate with publishing stories and poetry on my blog because I have been encouraged not to in order to avoid difficulties in publication later on.) I am also hoping to revamp this blog a bit by creating a better layout and making it a look a little more professional.

I'm sorry that my first post this month was a little boring, but I felt the need to explain the project a little bit and layout the rules and groundwork before going any further. Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow! (Well, we won't see each other, but you will see my post.)

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