Wednesday, April 2, 2014

BEDA: Day 2

Today wasn't a very eventful day, but I got a lot done. I woke up around 8:30 and went to the gym with Tyler (my fiancee) and my mom. We were there until around 10:30, and we grabbed some breakfast from Village Inn (I got a low calorie breakfast called "The High Road" which had scrambled egg whites, two sausage links, some hash browns, and an English muffin- oh, and I had some coffee). After breakfast, my mom headed home and Tyler and I bought tickets to see Captain America: Winter Soldier this weekend. Then we got home, showered, and did some homework. I also made an appointment to see my academic advisor next week- I'm a junior and I still haven't ever talked to an advisor about my degree progress... I hope it will be good news.

Tyler napped for a couple hours while I read a couple chapters of Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell- which I like so far. I just finished Eleanor & Park over the weekend, which was a great book (by the same author), and needed to dive right into another novel. It's been a while since I've been able to find time to read books that I'm interested in purely for entertainment- being an English Major makes it difficult to find time for leisure reading on top of all of the assigned reading.

After Tyler woke up from his nap (around 6:00), we cooked dinner (Mexican stuffed bell peppers made with ground turkey, taco seasoning, onions, diced green chiles and jalapenos, and refried beans) and discussed the itinerary for our honeymoon in San Francisco with his mom. We found a couple bars, restaurants, and museums we want to visit. I get more excited for the trip every time we talk about it. Right now, I'm particularly excited about a French bakery we discovered tonight- I've never really had French pastries and they look good. We also looked into a Japanese Tea Garden that looks really neat.

I plan to do some more reading before bed, but that's about it for today.

Currently Listening To: La Gargola by Chevelle (Love it so far- one of their heavier albums.)
Currently Playing: Tomb Raider (I'm pretty close to beating it and it's been a really fun game.)
Currently Reading: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Currently Watching: 5th Season of Doctor Who (I think... the first season with the 11th Doctor [Matt Smith]. I miss 10 [David Tennant], but 11 isn't bad).

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