Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Confession of Failure and Hope to Reconcile

I know that I utterly failed at my attempt to blog every day in April... I guess I underestimated how busy I would be with finals and such at the end of Spring Semester. I do hope to try again in August though, when things will hopefully settle down a little bit- and it can still be called BETA (Blog Every Day in August) :P

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

BEDA: Day 2

Today wasn't a very eventful day, but I got a lot done. I woke up around 8:30 and went to the gym with Tyler (my fiancee) and my mom. We were there until around 10:30, and we grabbed some breakfast from Village Inn (I got a low calorie breakfast called "The High Road" which had scrambled egg whites, two sausage links, some hash browns, and an English muffin- oh, and I had some coffee). After breakfast, my mom headed home and Tyler and I bought tickets to see Captain America: Winter Soldier this weekend. Then we got home, showered, and did some homework. I also made an appointment to see my academic advisor next week- I'm a junior and I still haven't ever talked to an advisor about my degree progress... I hope it will be good news.

Tyler napped for a couple hours while I read a couple chapters of Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell- which I like so far. I just finished Eleanor & Park over the weekend, which was a great book (by the same author), and needed to dive right into another novel. It's been a while since I've been able to find time to read books that I'm interested in purely for entertainment- being an English Major makes it difficult to find time for leisure reading on top of all of the assigned reading.

After Tyler woke up from his nap (around 6:00), we cooked dinner (Mexican stuffed bell peppers made with ground turkey, taco seasoning, onions, diced green chiles and jalapenos, and refried beans) and discussed the itinerary for our honeymoon in San Francisco with his mom. We found a couple bars, restaurants, and museums we want to visit. I get more excited for the trip every time we talk about it. Right now, I'm particularly excited about a French bakery we discovered tonight- I've never really had French pastries and they look good. We also looked into a Japanese Tea Garden that looks really neat.

I plan to do some more reading before bed, but that's about it for today.

Currently Listening To: La Gargola by Chevelle (Love it so far- one of their heavier albums.)
Currently Playing: Tomb Raider (I'm pretty close to beating it and it's been a really fun game.)
Currently Reading: Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Currently Watching: 5th Season of Doctor Who (I think... the first season with the 11th Doctor [Matt Smith]. I miss 10 [David Tennant], but 11 isn't bad).

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

BEDA: Day 1

BEDA: Blog Every Day in April

I don't even know if BEDA is really a thing any more, but it is something that author Maureen Johnson created in April of 2009 (You can read her blog post here).

This year, whether or not BEDA is still a thing, I have decided to challenge myself to write a blog post everyday during the month of April. I am a busy college student who works 32 hours a week and spends most of her time in class, studying, and doing homework. I have chosen to challenge myself to write a post on this blog everyday this month because I want to prove to myself that I can take time out of each and every day to write- no matter how busy I am. And I want this to become a habit.

I have only given myself two rules that I must abide by throughout this challenge:

           1. I have to make a post every day during the month of April. This includes weekends. (Johnson's     rule as well)
           2. Posts must be published by midnight.

I haven't thought much about the content of these posts. I figure a lot of them will probably be chronologies and observations of my daily endeavors. I plan to take photographs to go along with posts when possible and I hope to write some creative posts as well. (I hesitate with publishing stories and poetry on my blog because I have been encouraged not to in order to avoid difficulties in publication later on.) I am also hoping to revamp this blog a bit by creating a better layout and making it a look a little more professional.

I'm sorry that my first post this month was a little boring, but I felt the need to explain the project a little bit and layout the rules and groundwork before going any further. Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow! (Well, we won't see each other, but you will see my post.)

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Questionnaire (Tyler's Answers)

1.       What is your idea of perfect happiness?
-          I want to be able to do the things I want to do and go the places I want to go without… working for it, I guess. Ha ha.
2.       What is your greatest fear?
-          Dying.
3.       Which historical figure do you most identify with?
-          I don’t identify with any historical figure.
4.       Which living person do you admire?
-          Meg.
5.       What is the trait that you most deplore in yourself?
-          Selfishness.
6.       What is the trait that you most deplore in others?
-          Selfishness.
7.       What is your greatest extravagance?
-          I’m too American.
8.       What is your favorite journey?
-          Life.
9.       What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
-          Honesty. Everyone thinks they want honesty, but nobody actually wants to hear it.
10.   On what occasion do you lie?
-          At work.
11.   What do you dislike most about your appearance?
-          My lack of godly aura. I don’t really dislike anything about me… I mean sure, I have a really weird mole on my chest that I don’t want to be there. But does it really bug me? No.
12.   Which living person do you most despise?
-          I don’t really despise anybody. There’s no one to really despise… 
13.   Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
-          “It bugs me.”
14.   What is your greatest regret?
-          Crashing my first car.
15.   What or who is the greatest love of your life?
-          Meg.
16.   When and where were you happiest?
-          It’s always changing.
17.   Which talent would you most like to have?
-          I wish I could play the piano.
18.   What is your current state of mind?
-          Annoyed.
19.   If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
-          My lack of productivity.
20.   If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
-          Their assholiness.
21.   What do you consider your greatest achievement?
-          Staying alive.
22.   If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
-          A historical artifact? A crab?
23.   If you could choose what to come back as, what would it be?
-          A wolf.
24.   What is your most treasured possession?
-          My cat Luna.
25.   What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
-          Extreme self-loathing.
26.   Where would you like to live?
-          Somewhere wet, like London. Maybe France.
27.   What is your favorite occupation?
-          Teaching. Something involving a lot of talking.
28.   What is your most marked characteristic?
-          I talk a fuck ton.
29.   What is the quality you most like in a man?
-          Manliness.
30.   What is the quality you most like in a woman?
-          Womanliness.
31.   What do you most value in your friends?
-          Honesty.
32.   Who are your favorite writers?
-          George R.R. Martin, John Green, J.R.R. Tolkien… to be continued.
33.   Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
-          Batman?
34.   Who are you heroes in real life?
-          John and Hank Green.
35.   What are your favorite names?
-          Grayson, Dexter, Eleanor
36.   What is it that you most dislike?
-          Choosing what to eat for dinner, fucking hate it.
37.   How would you like to die?
-          I wouldn’t?
38.   What is your motto?

-          I don’t really have one… 


1.       What is your idea of perfect happiness?
-          Being able to have enough time to do all the things I want to do, without having to worry about day to day responsibilities.
2.       What is your greatest fear?
-          Failing to accomplish the goals I have set out to do in life. Also, loved ones dying. I don’t like thinking about that.
3.       Which historical figure do you most identify with?
-          Not sure. Jim Morrison?
4.       Which living person do you admire?
-          Too many. Just to name a few: Elijah Wood, John Green, Stephen King
5.       What is the trait that you most deplore in yourself?
-          Moodiness/anger
6.       What is the trait that you most deplore in others?
-          Impatience/arrogance/ignorance
7.       What is your greatest extravagance?
-          Video games? Music? Movies?
8.       What is your favorite journey?
-          The one to Mt. Doom.
9.       What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
-          Virginity.
10.   On what occasion do you lie?
-          Rarely. Often to protect others.
11.   What do you dislike most about your appearance?
-          My stomach.
12.   Which living person do you most despise?
-          Too many. Mostly people I don’t know personally, several I don’t even know by name. Just anyone who contributes to the suckiness of the world. 
13.   Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
-          “Why?”
14.   What is your greatest regret?
-          I don’t think I have one.
15.   What or who is the greatest love of your life?
-          My boyfriend Tyler and my cat Luna.
16.   When and where were you happiest?
-          Between the ages of 1-8 in Centerville, Utah.
17.   Which talent would you most like to have?
-          Ability to perform and play guitar.
18.   What is your current state of mind?
-          Stressed (too much to do before the end of the semester).
19.   If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
-          My moodiness/anger
20.   If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
-          Nothing. Though, I wish they got a long better and were more considerate of one another.
21.   What do you consider your greatest achievement?
-          Paying my way through college on my own without debt (thus far).
22.   If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
-          A bumblebee. First thing that came to mind.
23.   If you could choose what to come back as, what would it be?
-          A house cat with loving owners.
24.   What is your most treasured possession?
-          My box of memorabilia.
25.   What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
-          Depression? Isolation? Pain?
26.   Where would you like to live?
-          I’ve always wanted to live in London (though I’ve never actually been able to go there), but I’ve been thinking about Montana and Canada a lot lately.
27.   What is your favorite occupation?
-          Author?
28.   What is your most marked characteristic?
-          Uniqueness?
29.   What is the quality you most like in a man?
-          Honesty.
30.   What is the quality you most like in a woman?
-          Honesty.
31.   What do you most value in your friends?
-          Loyalty.
32.   Who are your favorite writers?
-          Way too many. To name a few: John Green, Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien, Edgar Allan Poe.
33.   Who is your favorite hero of fiction?
-          Batman? Again, too many.
34.   Who are you heroes in real life?
-          Just regular people who do good things for the world and others.
35.   What are your favorite names?
-          Dexter, Grayson, October, Autumn
36.   What is it that you most dislike?
-          Ignorance.
37.   How would you like to die?
-          Excitingly?
38.   What is your motto?
-          “I don’t believe in mottos.”

Final Project

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