Saturday, October 8, 2011


Blue-green pools of foreign shame
Black tar blocked swollen, coiled veins
Heartstrings split and soon detached

Left nothing behind
But an apathetic mask
Foaming springs of hard-earned waste
Overflowed and burst
Through styrofoam floodgates

Beneath the soil
The bones decayed
Bloodsucking leeches

Fed well beyond the grave

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cake Pops, KitKat Bars, and Elijah Wood

Katie, Tyler, Preston, and I went to the movie theater to see the third installment to a weird videogame movie adaptation and were surprised by the popularity of it. We bumped into Rayce and David on the way out, and they led us through a part of the theater that wasn't very well known to most customers. It was similar to a convenience store, and the cashier was a heavy set Indian man. David and I got excited over vanilla flavored KitKat bars that were filled with whipped cream, and headed toward the register to buy them. While I was in line, I asked Tyler to grab a bag of BBQ corn nuts for me, but he handed me cool ranch and walked away.

I was butted by two younger girls in line, but they had only wanted to ask the cashier when his shift was over, one of them looked like she could have been his sister. He shooed them away and began to ring up my items. He was very friendly and randomly decided to show me a web series he'd been watching on the Internet. There was a T.V. on the counter in front of him that was angled toward the line of customers and he brought the series up onto the screen. The next thing I knew, Katie and I were in the middle of a crowded pavilion and didn't know where Preston and Tyler had gone. So, we began wandering the dark streets together, and headed toward home.

I had reached into my bag at some point to try the new KitKat bar that I had purchased, but instead I pulled out a vanilla cake pop with pastel sprinkles that was also whipped cream filled. I bit into it and it wasn't the most impressive cake pop I had ever had, but I finished it anyway. I reached back into my bag, wondering if the cashier had given me the cake pop in the stead of the KitKat bar, but it was just hiding under the bag of corn nuts. I unwrapped it and took a bite (much better than the cake pop) and Katie began talking to me about Elijah Wood.

She started by saying that he was meant to be a cat person and not a dog person, and the dream seemed to flash backward or forward (not sure which) to Elijah playing with a stray dog that had had an orange tracking device attached to it's hind leg. It was like they were playing hide and seek with each other, and Elijah had chosen to hide in a dumpster. I heard Katie's voice, almost like a narration, saying that Elijah loved Halloween just as much as we did. Then I heard Elijah's voice saying "Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It's about expressing the differences in people and experiencing things through different eyes. Leave Halloween alone! And fuck math!"

This implied that there had been a recent threat made towards the holiday. Elijah had thrown some kind of trash from the dumpster for the dog to chase, and as he exited the dumpster he was suddenly surrounded by a camera crew. And I had become an interviewer, well, more like a co-interviewer. The crew began walking him toward a grimy house down the block where they began interviewing its residents. They had been drug addicts who were meant to appear in the web series (the one the cashier had shown me) with Elijah. But, upon his first visit with them, he had had to take them to the hospital due to multiple overdoses within the family. It had become national news that Elijah had saved the lives of four druggies. Since then, the family had reported that they had been seeing a therapist and began to sober up. Elijah became teary eyed as they said this, and I began to hold him to the point where we began cuddling.

The head interviewer then directed a question toward Elijah regarding a comment left by the band Cage the Elephant on the show's Facebook page that read "If Elijah's crazy, then so are we!.... Fuck math!"