Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bloody Fuck

Current Mood:  Angsty

Empty promises and black lies
Kept my heart in a jar of flies
As they gnawed and as they chewed
I watched it beat and bleed for you
Threw it away and spread my disease
Bleach on my skin and dirt on my knees
The sun shone bleakly trough the dust and grime
Wash away the blood, and burn the evidence of my crime
Blind my eyes with kerosene
Lead me through dark destiny
But I still crave the honey from your hive
A golden light, glowing and alive

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Things that possibly make life worth living...

1.     Mixing slurpees

2.     The bass in “The Game” by Trapt

3.     Rain

4.     Pizza flavored Goldfish crackers

5.     Reading biographies (especially Jim Morrison’s)

6.     Rock concerts

7.     Acting on any spontaneous decision with a friend

8.     Singing

9.    Going on walks- anytime, anywhere, or nowhere at all

10.  Poetry- reading it and writing it

11.   Running zombies over with the lawn mower in Dead Rising

12.  Beautiful and unusual sunsets

13. Roasting marshmallows

14. Renting Elijah Wood movies

15. Dragon’s Blood incense

16.  Solos and instrumentals

17. Painting

18. Playing multiplayer Halo with ROCKETS

19.  Autumn- everything about it is amazing

20.  Daydreaming and night dreaming

21. Writing

22.  People who are comfortably unfit to become part of society

23.   London- anywhere in Europe, really

24.  Making shapes out of clouds and the paint on the ceiling

25.  The movie theatre

26.  Horror/zombie films

27.  Foggy streets

28. Tie-dye

29.  Cooking/baking

30.  Midnight movie premieres

31. Adventures

32. The ocean


34.  Frosties (sometimes with fries)

35.  Art

36. Things that make other people uncomfortable

37. Gore

38. The part in Bioshock when the brainwashing spell of “Would you kindly?” is revealed

39.  Stories with twist endings

40.  Mysteries

41.  Anything and everything by Edgar Allan Poe

42.  Comic books

43.   Astrology and the supernatural

44.   Long-haired metalheads

45.   Plaid and stripes

46.  Lauri Ylönen from The Rasmus

47.  Buying used books for fifty-cents at the D.I.

48.  Listening to The Doors in the car on a rainy day

49.  Splitting a calzone in the corner in the back of Zeponie’s Pizza

50.   The anatomy of the human body

51.   Tea and coffee

52.   Roses

53.   Mountain Dew

54.  Getting a new issue of Rolling Stone in the mail

55.  Conspiracy theories

56.  Halloween

57.  Festivals

58.  Sitting in the basement at 2 A.M. going on the fourth hour of watching Dexter, because you just can’t stop

59.  Unplanned sleepovers

60.  Mood rings

61.  Bright green bendy straws

62.  Haunted houses

63.  The smell of gasoline

64.  Russel Brand

65. Watching Star Trek: The Next Generation and actually feeling optimistic about the future of mankind