Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Storm

Current Mood:  Nostalgic

Where I stand, the sky now cries
Where I got lost
In your hypnotic eyes
Is this where
We'll meet our end?
With lights that burn and roads that bend
Deliver me from highschool trends
And save us from
A friendship, dead

Where I tread, a cloud now follows
Lost within
Your haunting hollows
Search for me
In desperate hours
Reaching for a hand in aid
Helpless to your binding powers
A victim
To your siren serenade

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Nightmares of Heterosexuality

Current Mood:  High

The door was ancient. Splintered and cracked… metal cut through the wood elegantly holding the hinges in. The clock to his left read 3:09. He stuck in the ancient key and twisted it to the door’s liking to reveal the other side. There was nothing there but an empty darkness- much like his mind. He seemed to see a boney fleshless hand emerge from the shadows. It beckoned him forward. He took a step into the darkness, obeying the beckons, though knowing they only existed in his mind. He could see nothing, hear nothing, and feel nothing. His senses were completely clouded by the darkness and there was no knowing where he was headed. He longed to believe there was a presence with him, a company, but there was none. He imagined that if the path were lit, he would have guidance by the black cloaked figure of death. But it was non existent. He was alone. Utterly, completely alone. He began to hear a low female voice echo through him. A voice that sounded much like Helen. He gripped his hair and gritted his teeth to keep himself form either attacking the darkness or crying. He strode forward, still gripping his hair. He slipped on a puddle of some sort that lay on the darkness beneath him. It smelt raw. Rotting flesh. He gagged, but forced back the burning in his throat. He shit his pants and let out a dainty rattle through his teeth. He fell to the floor, his face now immersed in the cold flesh and blood. The darkness began spinning around him and he felt himself begin to lose consciousness. The gore dripped down his throat, suffocating him. He spat, but it was no use. Helen’s voice was again apparent. A silver light appeared before him- taking the shape of a woman. It was Helen. Her sad and deeply lined face pierced him. Her voice trailed through the darkness.
He coughed up the remains of the nachos onto his beer sodden shirt. He caressed the Chelsea flag next to his bed and turned off the telly. He pulled off his dirty t-shirt and threw it onto the floor with the others. Then laid down close to Jake’s warm body and ruffled his hair.
            “Hey Snowflake!” he said, waking Jake.
            “Good morning, Sexy!” Jake replied obviously not noticing Dave’s bare, fat stomach.
            “Up for some tea and crumpets?” Dave asked. Jake nodded and they embraced each other briefly. Then Dave tied his robe around himself and made his way into the kitchen- he had offered to serve Jake breakfast in bed. As he filled the tea kettle, he wondered if that dream was hauntingly telling him he was still straight. The doorbell rang and he skipped to answer it. Just there was the test of his manhood. There was an undressed prostitute and a rather flamboyant prostidude. His mouth dropped open as he looked from one to the other.
            “What the bloody hell-” He broke off, not knowing what to say. He began to panic slightly as he found himself longing for the woman.
            “Pumpkin…” Jake said, reaching the door, “oh, visitors.” He started making eyes at the man there. Dave noticed Jake looking down at the man’s gifts.
            “How ‘bout I take the lady and you take the gentleman?” he suggested. Jake agreed. They had both found themselves that morning. All was well.

